Questions & Answers
COVID-19 Information - Questions & Answers
Data Dashboard Testing & Vaccines Safety Protocols Health & Wellness Education
My Student Is Showing Symptoms, What Do I Do?
Please keep your family members home if they have any of the following symptoms:
❑ Fever (≥100.4°F) or chills
❑ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
❑ Muscle or body aches
❑ New loss of taste or smell
❑ Congestion or runny nose
❑ Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
❑ Cough (Cough - new, changed, worsening)
❑ Fatigue
❑ Sore throat
Students and staff may return to school once they are fever-free for more than 24 hours (without the use of medication) AND have other symptoms resolved.
If you have been in close contact with a Positive COVID case, please test prior to returning to school following your quarantine time.
This list does not include all possible symptoms. To learn more about COVID-19 symptoms, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
My Student Has Been Exposed To COVID-19 Outside Of School, What Do I Do?
Even a person who is vaccinated, if they are symptomatic, will be required to isolate/quarantine.
- Parents/guardians should contact their school nurse
- Watch for symptoms
- Get a COVID 19 Test
- Seek medical help if needed
We encourage you to use our Let's Talk platform if you have questions/suggestions as we are monitoring it during school hours and strive for a same-day response. You can access our Let's Talk platform here:
For a list of schools and school phone numbers, please go here: