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Student and Family Computer Handbook

Yakima School District views the use of electronic resources as central to the delivery of its educational program. By providing each student a laptop computer to use at school and at home, Yakima School District intends to enable an engaging, collaborative, self‐directed, and empowering learning environment. The District's goal is that students will safely learn, share, collaborate, think critically, and solve problems to succeed in a modern, digital world. In addition, educational technology has been proven to promote student engagement and enthusiasm for learning, ultimately assisting students in acquiring knowledge and thinking skills.

Students are expected to use district technology and network resources responsibly and keep their
district‐issued devices safe, secure, and in good working order. This handbook outlines each party’s
responsibilities and will assist students and parents in meeting these expectations.

2024-2025 Student & Parent 1:1 Handbook (English)

First page of the PDF file: 2024-2025HandbookEnglish7-31-24withlinks

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

24-25 Manual 1:1 Computadora para Estudiantes y Padres

First page of the PDF file: 2024-2025HandbookSpanish7-31-24withlinks

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.