Winter Weather Procedures
View weather delay and closure notices on our Status Updates page
Winter Weather Procedures
When winter weather hits Yakima, many YSD staff are up (very) early consulting with city management, driving the bus routes and putting teams in place to best remove safety hazards at our buildings.
What is the procedure for determining to close school due to inclement weather? Check our policy here: Operational Procedure 2221 - Emergency School Closure (PDF).
We post messaging about delays and/or closures to:
- Smart Alert in ParentSquare; Sent instantly to parents, staff, students in grades 6-12
- YSD Mobile App (with push notification):
- The district and school websites:
- District Facebook: /yakimasd / En Español: /YSDEspanol
- District Twitter: /yakimaschools / En Español: /YSDEspanol
- District Instagram: /yakimaschools / En Español: /distritoescolardeyakima
- Local Media - We send our message to local media via the FlashAlert system (view media list)
We realize there are many opinions as to when we should delay, close or remain open in full operation. We take this decision very seriously and do our best to keep school open and on time. However, should we need to close school, we will make up each day lost. Please check the district calendar for a listing of designated snow make-up days. If we do not need to make up days, there will be no school on the scheduled snow make-up days. We do not make up time from delays.
If the weather is poor, allow extra time to get where you need to be and make sure you have prepared your children with warm coats, boots, hats and gloves. To prepare for delays and closures, please make sure you have a care plan in place for your children should you need to report to your employment. It's also time to be prepared for winter driving.
Will the buses be on "Snow Routes"?
Please note that if the Yakima School District calls for a delay, buses will also be delayed. Our buses do their best to stay on schedule but will drive slowly and safely. If a route is more than 30 minutes behind, an update will be posted to ParentSquare. Only four of our bus routes have snow routes as they are on a hill, so be sure to know if your route has a snow route and where you should meet your bus should snow routes be called. Visit to find your snow route.
How is breakfast handled during a weather delay?
In elementary school buildings, breakfast will be available in the cafeteria for any child wanting to eat. Note: Child nutrition staff does not provide supervision. Breakfast will not be served in the classrooms. However, breakfast will be available until lunch service. In middle school buildings, breakfast will be available to students, as normal, as they enter the buildings. In high school buildings, a second chance breakfast will not be offered. Students will still be allowed to eat breakfast before the start of classes in the cafeteria.
What are the cold weather guidelines for physical education & recess?
Time spent outdoors is an important part of the school day. However, there are times when it is not safe for students to be outside. Each school determines their decision based on the following conditions. Note: The decision may vary from grade to grade.
- Temperature
- Wind Chill
- Age of Students
- Length of time outdoors
- Adequacy of clothing of the children
- Condition of the playground
When properly clothed, elementary school-aged children can participate in safe, vigorous play in an outdoor environment in most weather conditions. Increased caution should be practiced when temperatures reach below 40 degrees including the wind chill factor. When temperatures and wind chill factors fall below 20 degrees including the wind chill, students are kept indoors.
(ENGLISH) Winter Weather Chart
(SPANISH) Winter Weather Chart
In a weather delay, will there be morning classes at YV-Tech?
No, there will not be morning classes in a delay.
In a weather delay, will there be morning pre-school?
No, there will not be morning pre-school classes in a delay.
How do I know the status of after-school activities and athletics during winter weather conditions?
Your supervisor/coach will keep you informed. You can also visit