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Flyer Distribution

Flyer (or other materials) Distribution Procedures:   Our district cooperates with community groups and organizations that sponsor free (or available for scholarship) activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students.   After approval, printing and distribution fees/efforts are the responsibility of the requester.   Two methods of distribution are currently available: - Printed materials distribution to schools - Digital materials distribution (only via the vendor, Peachjar)   Flyers have a better chance for approval when:

  • Programs and events are held in or around Yakima.
  • Flyers are provided in English and Spanish. 
  • Events are youth-related or related to youth education.
  • The program is free or financial assistance or scholarships are prominently displayed and offered for students who cannot afford the services, and scholarship information is clearly explained on the eflyer.
  • The sponsoring organization's name and contact information are clearly displayed on the flyer.
  • School names are included only as part of the location information for those events which are held in district schools. (flyer information and layout should not imply that because an event is held at a school that the event is endorsed by the school or district.)
  • The disclaimer (below) is displayed on the flyer (in English and Spanish).

  Your flyer must include the following disclaimer statement (in English and in Spanish):   "This event/activity is NOT being sponsored by the Yakima School District and the district assumes no responsibility...for the conduct at, or safety of, the event/activity. In consideration for the privilege to distribute these materials, the school district shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including all costs, attorney's fees, and judgments or awards, claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or right of action, directly or indirectly attributed to the activities. Permission to distribute this flyer should not be considered a recommendation of the program by the school district. This is not a school district-sponsored activity."   “El Distrito Escolar de Yakima, no ha revisado ni aprobado el programa, personal, actividades u organizaciones anunciadas en el volante. Permiso para distribuir este volante, no debe considerarse una recomendación o aprobación por el Distrito Escolar de Yakima. El Distrito Escolar de Yakima se deslinda de cualquier causa de acción legal, presentada en cualquier corte o tribunal administrativo, derivadas de la distribución de estos materiales; incluyendo todos los costos, honorarios de abogados, juicios o premios.”     District Right of Refusal: The district will not consider requests for distribution of printed materials through the schools from any of the following organizations: outside organizations seeking to access students or adults for fund-drive purposes; advocacy organizations promoting (or opposing) programs in the political, social, health or economic areas; or organizations that solicit, proselytize or disparage religious beliefs.

Operating Procedure

Distribution of Materials Operating Procedure #4320 (aka Flyer Distribution)