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Levy 2024

Thank You, Yakima School District Voters!

February 13, 2024, 8:26 PM

Dear Yakima School District Families and Staff,

We are thrilled to share the news from the early voting results. It appears that our community has shown its strong support for education a significant percentage (63.89%) of the "yes" vote as of tonight. This shows an incredible local commitment to educational excellence and supports our mission to provide the best possible learning environment for all students. This election will certify on February 23, 2024. To officially "pass," yes votes must be 50% + 1 vote.

The approved Educational Programs & Operations Levy will ensure continued funding for essential programs, services, and staff that are crucial for our students' success but remain unfunded or underfunded by the state.

As stewards of our community's trust and resources, we pledge to continue managing these funds with the utmost care and responsibility. We look forward to sharing the official election results on February 23, 2024, once they are certified. Thank you for your trust, support, and partnership in our collective mission. Together, we are making a profound difference in the lives of our students.


Dr. Trevor Greene, Superintendent
Yakima School District

Students Give The Facts

Click any of the icons below to listen to YV-Tech students share the facts about how the levy affects athletics/activities and safety/security.






The Yakima School District thanks Finnegan Anderson (Davis), Claudio Christensen (Open Doors), and Jessica Padilla (Highland) for their work in providing voice-over for these videos in their Entertainment Media Class.

Levy Information