Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC)
At the request of Superintendent Dr. Trevor Greene, the Yakima School District has established a Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC). CFAC currently has 34 voting members, comprised of appointed community members, five YSD high school students, as well as at-large seats randomly selected from interested Yakima residents, equally representing the East and West regions of Yakima.
Committee Charge
- Identify top-priority YSD school facility problems to be solved in Phase 1 of a multi-phase long-range facilities improvement plan
- Recommend Phase 1 bond plan for Dr. Greene to present to the school board by June 2023
In a continued effort to promote transparency and honor the desires of Yakima voters, Yakima School District leadership will only play a supportive and facilitator role in the CFAC. All committee leadership and decision-making will occur solely through the voices and desires of the CFAC members.
Meetings mostly take place the first Wed. of each month from 6-8pm at 104 N. 4th Ave., Yakima. The next meeting is November 9th. These meetings are open to the public and interpretation services in Spanish are provided.
If you would like to submit a YSD facility issue or related topics for the CFAC to consider, please email
Yakima Herald Article: Prioritizing Facilities
“It's not just a matter of upgrading. It's a matter of equity,” Randy Beehler, City of Yakima
CFAC Meeting Minutes
After six months of research and study, the Capital Facilities Advisory Committee unanimously voted on a two-phase capital facilities bond proposal to present to Dr. Greene at the April 12, 2023 CFAC meeting. The complete details of the proposal will not be available until the presentation on April 12.
CFAC Meeting Minutes for Oct. through March 1
Dec. 7 CFAC meeting
On Dec. 7, 22 voting members and 4 YSD support team members toured two new elementary schools in Selah, then visited Hoover Elementary and Garfield Elementary. Hoover Elementary was constructed in 1947 and Garfield was built in 1965. The committee was able to see and compare modern learning environments (safety measures, playground structures, the use of natural lighting, use of furniture and learning areas, indoor playstructures, multiple-use spaces, ADA compliant playgrounds for students with disabilities, etc.) with the challenges of meeting the social and academic needs of students in facilities that are 57+ years old.
November 9, 2022 Meeting Minutes
October 5, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Charter, Roles, and Responsibilites
To learn more about the committee, and the point of contact for your appointee, contact Dr. Rob Darling at (509)573-7032 or
To share an issue or idea for the CFAC to consider, please email
Meeting Details
Meeting Dates
March 1, 2023 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
April 12 , 2023 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
May 3 (if needed) 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
YSD Central Services, 104 N. 4th Ave